Genealogy Report
The Genealogy Report is a resource in Virtual Office that gives a Brand Ambassador detailed information on their downline Brand Ambassadors. You can view this report and export it to CSV or Excel.
Viewing and Exporting the Genealogy Report
To view and export your Genealogy Report:
Step | Action |
1. |
Go to |
2. |
Login to My Account. |
3. |
Click Dashboard. |
4. | Go to the left Panel and Click My Business. |
5. | Click Genealogy. |
6. |
This report will allow you to do the following:
7. |
The report will show the following:
Understanding the Genealogy Report
There are several categories of information in the Genealogy Report. Here is a full breakdown of each category and details to help you understand how to use the information:
Category | Definition |
Level |
This is your downline’s level in relation to you. Example: If you personally sponsor a Brand Ambassador, they are your level 1. If your Brand Ambassador sponsors another Brand Ambassador, that new Brand Ambassador is your level 2. |
Paid Level |
This is your downline’s paid level in relation to you. Example: If your personally sponsored Brand Ambassador is not commission qualified, but you and your level 2 Brand Ambassador are commission qualified, this column will show your level 2 Brand Ambassador as your paid level 1 Brand Ambassador. |
Name | This is your downline’s full account name. |
ID | This is your downline’s ID#. This number is used for Customer Service. |
City | This is your downline’s city. |
State | This is your downline’s state. |
Address | This is your downline's address. |
Phone | This is your downline’s phone number used for their account. |
This is your downline’s email address used for their account. | |
Sponsor ID | This is your downline’s direct sponsor’s ID#. |
Sponsor Name | This is your downline’s direct sponsor’s full name. |
Customer Type | Your downline's customer status (Brand Ambassador, VIP, Retail) |
Highest Achieved Rank | This is your downline’s highest achieved rank. |
Paid Rank | This is your downline’s direct sponsor’s paid rank for the month. |
Points | This is the number of points in your downline’s organization. |
PV | This is the number of personal volume (PV) your downline has in their personal orders for the month. |
New Ambassador | Newly signed up Brand Ambassador |
Canceled Ambassador | Brand Ambassador that canceled their account(s). |
Org Volume | This is the total personal volume (PV) in this downline’s organization. |
Join Date | This is the day your downline first paid their Annual Membership Fee. |
Upgrade Date | This will show the date this downline Brand Ambassador first upgraded their account. If your downline Brand Ambassador was not previously a customer, this date will be the same as their join date. |
Renewal Date | This is the date that the Annual Membership Fee is set to renew. |
Commission Qualified | This will show "yes" if your downline Brand Ambassador is commissions qualified for the month or "no" if your downline Brand Ambassador is not commissions qualified for the month. |
Next Subscription | This date is when your downline’s subscription is set to run. |
Subscription Status On | This shows "yes" if there is a subscription set up and "no" if there is no subscription set up. |
Subscription PV | This shows how much Personal Volume (PV) is in the subscription order. |